Friday, February 6, 2015

Exterior Pictures

View From Up High

The picture on the right shows the view from the Prudential Tower of the John Hancock Tower and it's surroundings. The highly reflective blue glass exterior layer makes it very noticeable in the city. On the bottom left area of the tower you can see the Trinity Church.

View from Down Low

The picture on the left shows the John Hancock Tower on a ground level view. As you can see in the picture the tower is huge and much taller then all of the building in the area so you can't miss the building looking up. The exterior is made primarily steel and glass. You can also see the Trinity Church to the right of this picture.

Works Citation:

Hilsen, Tim. View from the Prudential Tower on the John Hancock Tower, Trinity Church and the city center. 2008. Web. 06 Feb. 2015.

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